What Being Present Means, and What It Does to You

What Being Present Means, and What It Does to You

We hear a lot about being present, but what does it actually mean, and how to do it? It’s simple to understand, but very hard to do. It helps a lot if you do information purge and if you already have some kind of spiritual practice. Being present means getting...
What Happens When You Stay Present

What Happens When You Stay Present

In this post I share my personal experience about what happens when you dwell in the present moment every day. I’m only partially disidentified from my thoughts. There are still many times a day where I catch myself in the midst of thinking. But there are also...
Find Your Life’s Purpose Through Mindfulness

Find Your Life’s Purpose Through Mindfulness

Although your natal chart shows your life’s purpose, there’s another way of finding it out. This information has come from the wisdom of Eckhart Tolle, the teacher that I used to listen to long time ago, and now I started to listen to again. He explains...

True Creativity Lies Beyond the Surface Mind

I have already shared how A New Earth book was written by Eckhart Tolle. The book came into existence effortlessly, because it was already written in the spiritual form. So since Eckhart Tolle dwelt in the now, the book was able to easily come through him. This...